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Max the Easel Butler


Product Description

Max the Easel Butler is an ultra-light tool that fits most easels, and creates a great platform for your palette. Replaces bulky, rigid shelves and attachments. Mounts in seconds. It can even mount on the side two legs rather than the front to allow more room to be closer to your painting. We like it so much we keep one in every painting kit!
Max weighs 12.2 ounces and is just under 14" long (in its carrying bag). The maximum thickness of leg that the Easel Butler can accommodate is just under 1.25 inches. Narrower is not a problem as the natural tilt of a tripod allows for a level arm with the adjustment of the back leg. To mount Max, simply face the logo away from you and slide it down the two chosen legs until they make contact on both sides before inserting the arms.  It is advisable to attach a counterweight to whichever leg on your easel is opposite to the two legs supporting the Easel Butler (as low as possible)